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Ahooga's Picture Upload Sign-up Form

This is the Upload Sign-Up area for the Ahooga web site. The only picture that are allowed to be uploaded are pictures about the Model-A Ford Hobby. All others if they make it will be deleted and you will lose your upload privileges.
Before you can upload Pictures to the Ahooga Picture Gallery you must first sign up (register below) to setup a "username" and "password". Once your have filled out the form below your information will be reviewed and if approved you will receive an "Approved" E-Mail so you may begin uploading pictures.
If you're not involved with Ford Model-A's please don't register.
If you do and upload a picture that is NOT Model-A Ford related, your membership will promptly be deleted as well as the pictures you have uploaded.

Have you forgotten your Password? Click here to have it E-mailed to you automatically.
Last revised Saturday, 24-Sep-2016 12:07:02 EDT.
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