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 Ahooga's Model-A Users Address Book |

To Add New Information:
Fill in your First Name, Last Name, City, State, valid E-mail address, Model-A vehicle type you own if any and if you have a web page address enter the full URL and your Phone Number.
For Instance:
First Name = John
Last Name = Doe
City = Anywhere
State = Texas
E-mail Address = webmaster@ahooga.com
Model-A Type = 1929 Coupe
Website Address = http://www.ahooga.com
Phone Number = 999-999-9999
After all data is entered press the "Add to Address Book" button to send data or the "Clear" button to erase data and start over.

To Display all Address Book Entries:
Click on "Display" button to view all entries in the Address Book. Entries are sorted by alphabetically by Last Name.

To Search the Address Book:
You can "Search" all entries by entering a name, email address, or web address. Partial searches are fine. Enter a keyword to search for and hit the "Start Search" button and a listing will be generated with every address that meets your keyword.

Changes to Your Information:
For the moment all changes to data entered must be manually entered. This will be automated sometime in the future. Please "Submit a Change Request" to the Web Master until then.
Last revised Tuesday, 06-Apr-2010 10:42:41 EDT.
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